Our Elite Plan is ready to bring you growth and efficiency to your business. Get MORE ready made opt-in pages, funnels and automation and pipelines to "plug and play" so you can effectively manage your growing clients.
All Features of Standard Plan PLUS:
Affiliate Manager
Proposals & Estimates
Tech Support:
Free Tech setup • Free onboarding
Chat Support
Weekly Tuesday Fix Your Funnel Open Office Hours
Bonus Webinar Funnel:
What Your Auto Dealership Needs to Know About the New FTC Safeguards
Why You Need A CSRA Follow-Up Sequence
Why You Need A Cyber Security Risk Assessment
Will You Be The Next To Be Breached
What Your Business Needs to Know About the FTC Safeguards Follow-Up Sequence
Take Control Of Your IT
What Your CPA FIRM Needs to Know About the New FTC Safeguards
Defense Contractor CMMC Guide to Certification"
15 Ways To Protect Your Business
Dark Web Scan
Remote Staff Productivity Checklist
{Webinar} What Your Auto Dealership Needs to Know About the New FTC Safeguards
{Webinar} Why You Need A CSRA Follow-Up Sequence
{Webinar} Why You Need A Cyber Security Risk Assessment
{Webinar} Will You Be The Next To Be Breached
{Webinar}What Your Business Needs to Know About the FTC Safeguards Follow-Up Sequence
{Automated Webinar} Take Control Of Your IT
{Webinar} What Your CPA FIRM Needs to Know About the New FTC Safeguards
{Optin} - Defense Contractor CMMC Guide to Certification
{Optin} 15 Ways To Protect Your Business
{Optin} Dark Web Scan
{Optin} Remote Staff Productivity Checklist
{Seasonal} Cyber Security Awareness Month - October 2022
{Nurture} 7 Days of Cyber Security Tips
{Nurture} Cyber Security MSP
Free Cyber Security Briefing (new)
Free Cyber Security Report (new)
50 Weeks Nurture (new)
52 Week Email Nurture Series - General Niche
1A. {Intro Calendar} Appointment Confirmation + Reminder
1B. {Main Calendar} No Show/Cancellation
2A. {Risk Assessment} Appointment Reminder
2B. {Risk Assessment} No Show/Cancel - Reschedule
{Quiz} - Risk Assessment
Bonus Pipeline & Opportunities
MSP Sales Pipeline
Here's Why 100's Love WisetrackCRM
Activation Gift
Once you've activated your WiseTrackCRM license, you're eligible to schedule a complimentary "1-on-1" 60-minute Fasttrack Session with a MSP Business Advisor.
Who will identify the biggest bottleneck in your MSP and outline a step-by-step plan on how to actually solve that so you can fasttrack to the next stage in your MSP business!
Trusted by hundreds of MSP owners...
Get More Leads, Appointments & Sales For Your MSP Business
Follow Up With Our Done-For-You Marketing Campaigns
Market, Sell, And Close Your Cybersecurity Services Like A Pro
To help you solve any obstacle in your MSP business
Chris Wiser - The 7 Figure MSP Coach
"I've personally started and exited a succesfull MSP and what seperated me from the competition was our focus on outstanding marketing and tremendous sales follow-up.
WisetrackCRM is the system that I would have wished for when I started my MSP, it would have simplified my journey and made it a lot easier to grow and scale my IT company.
And now I want to get it into your hands."
Chris Wiser - The 7 Figure MSP Coach
"I've personally started and exited a succesfull MSP and what seperated me from the competition was our focus on outstanding marketing and tremendous sales follow-up.
WisetrackCRM is the system that I would have wished for when I started my MSP, it would have simplified my journey and made it a lot easier to grow and scale my IT company.
And now I want to get it into your hands."
No more wasting hours on creating marketing campaigns that don't work, frustration on connecting tools or missing a hot lead. Just focus on your MSP!
With our done-for-you content marketing assets, you can have our entire marketing in a box system ready to go within the hour
Pre-built optin funnels designed for MSP businesses to generate and qualify interested leads
Loaded Email Follow-Up Campaigns that educate and nurture clients on your services for months to come.
Converting webinar funnels & presentations that has clients realize why they need a MSP like you and actually book an appointment.
No Contracts • Cancel Anytime
Fill Your MSP Pipeline
With qualified prospects and simplify all your follow-up communication from just 1 inbox to ensure no interested MSP lead is left behind.
Easily manage & see your entire sales pipeline from interested leads to knowing which customer is hot so you can close them on your monthly contracts.
1 Inbox to rule them all communicate with your customers favorite channels; SMS, Phone, Messenger, Linkedin and more
Simplify booking appointments with you or anybody on your team, using Microsoft 365, Outlook or Google Calendar.
No Contracts • Cancel Anytime
Stimulate reviews & referrals from both new and existing clients
Easily transfer all closed clients to your PSA with just 1 click of a button so your customer has a 5-star experience
Easily upsell your clients using 3rd party providers right through the marketplace to maximize your contract value.
No Contracts • Cancel Anytime
Claim your account and we'll send you the next lead magnet "7 Potential A.I Threats for Your Company" campaign for FREE!
The Wiser Agency, LLC Copyright 2023 -- All Rights Reserved
We're on a mission to grow & scale profitable 7 figure MSPs.